We strongly urge you to read this FAQ in its entirety before submitting your application.
Who is eligible to apply to vend at Gobble Up?
WE ALSO accept VENDORS WHO SELL HANDMADE KITCHENWARE, KITCHEN/RESTAURANT DECOR, AND FOOD-THEMED ITEMS. this includes art, food-themed jewelry, cards, eco-friendly and sustainable housewares, cleaning supplies and more.
the application process
Do you really need to see photos of my work?
Yes. Because we cannot taste your work while we are jurying, we really do need these photos to make our decisions. We want our show to have a good representation of the handmade food movement, and shoppers want to see a variety of products, We look at elements such as your branding and packaging, and a host of other visual cues. If you’re newer to the food scene, we recommend reaching out to places like Business Impact NW or SCORE to help with these design elements that will make an impact in your photos.
If I've been a vendor at Gobble Up before, do I still need to fill out an application?
Yep! We love all our past vendors but each show is a brand new venture, which can’t be accomplished without a brand new set of apps every time.
booth fees
What are the fees involved in being a vendor?
- SLU Show Booth Fees: $250 (10′ x 10′ booth)
- Seattle Show Booth Fees: $250 (5′ x 10′ booth); $500 (10′ x 10′ booth)
- Portland Show Booth Fees: $225 (5′ x 8′ indoor booth); $200 (10′ x 10′ outdoor booth); $175 (Sprouts Section, 5’x8′ indoors, separate room)
- Food Trucks: $175 OR 10% of sales (whichever is greater)
- Required contribution of $40 (retail value) worth of swag, OR a $50 swag fee if you choose not to contribute product (November shows only)
- Processing fee ($10), added to your booth fee invoice if accepted.
Additional/Optional Fees May Include:
- Application Fee: $15
- Electricity at your booth ($75, November shows only)
- Inclusion in our umbrella business license if you do not have a Seattle or Portland City Business License ($10)
What are the vending hours?
- Load-In: 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
- Vending Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Load-Out: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Gobble Up SEATTLE:
- Load-In: 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 15th
- Vending Hours: Friday (November 15th) 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. AND Saturday (November 16th), 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Load-Out: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
* Gobble Up Seattle ONLY: First Bite Night will be on Friday,
all about the jury process
What do you mean when you say this is a juried show? How do you pick who gets in?
Just like with the craft shows that we produce, part of what will make Gobble Up a successful show for everyone involved is the careful selection of vendors who we think will come together to make the most balanced and high quality show possible. We’ll be making our decisions based on originality, aesthetic, marketability, general appeal, and price range. We also consider the variety of the show overall, making sure that we don’t have too many similar items or vendors.
How will I know if I get in or not?
The notification date for each show can be found on the Apply page. On that date, you’ll receive an email letting you know whether or not you’ve been accepted to vend. We stick to what we say, so if you haven’t received your notification email by the end of the specified date, please check your spam or promotions folders, as the email may have slipped by! The email will be coming from info@urbancraftuprising.com.
If I don't get in, will you tell me why?
Can I share a booth with a friend?
Because these booths are already small (compared to our larger craft shows) we don’t think it would behoove either of you to do so. We do offer booth shares at some of our larger shows where you’d be sharing a 10’x10′ booth.
let’s talk business
What is your refund policy?
If you are accepted to the show and later decide that you are unable to participate, we will refund your booth fee in full, provided that you let us know six weeks before the show date. No refunds will be offered to vendors who drop out less than six weeks prior to the show.
Late Fees: You will be notified of the booth invoice due date in the first vendor newsletter you receive. Late booth fee payments will be subject to a late fee of 5% of the total booth fee, compounding weekly. If you have chosen not to participate in the show, simply ignoring the invoice is not the same as letting us know you are withdrawing. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are withdrawing so that we may offer your spot to another vendor with enough time for them to accept.
Is there a penalty for last-minute vendor dropouts?
Yes, because of the huge time burden and publicity cost that goes along with withdrawing a vendor from the show so close to the show date, there is an additional $50 penalty for any vendor dropouts that happen within four weeks of the show. Please consider your ability to vend carefully before you commit to the show!
I see that you're asking for my City Business Licenses. What if I don't have one?
A Seattle City Business License is required for all businesses operating in the city of Seattle–same goes for Portland.
However, if you do not typically operate your business in either of these respective cities, you may request to be included in our umbrella license which we purchase for out-of-town and temporary vendors. Inclusion in this license costs $10 per show. If you do not provide a business license for the city in which you are applying to vend, this fee will automatically be added to your booth invoice.
Even if you think you have this license, but don’t happen to have it on you when you fill out the application, you must choose this option. If accepted, and you are then able to provide us with your license number within 1 week of acceptance, we will waive this $10 fee.
What other licenses do I need to know about in order to vend at Gobble Up?
The licensing required will depend on what type of food/beverage you are selling. If you are used to vending at farmers’ markets and other food events, the licensing should be no different than what you are required to carry for those events. If this is a new type of event for you or if you’re unsure, we recommend that you call the Health Department to double-check (206-263-9566 for Seattle/King County, 503-988-3674 for Portland/Multnomah County). Typically you will only need to apply for the moderate to hazardous food permit if you are serving or sampling items that require refrigeration and/or heating, and this rarely applies to packaged food vendors.
I'm an out-of-state vendor. Do I still have to collect and pay sales tax at the show?
Yes. All vendors are responsible for paying their own sales tax for business conducted within Washington, regardless of whether they are Washington residents (this is of course not applicable to the Portland show).
If you are an out-of-state vendor, you must call the Washington State Department of Revenue 1-2 months before the show date, to file a temporary registration for your business.
To do this, call 1.800.647.7706 and let them know that you need a single-event registration for participating in a craft show; they will send you the appropriate paperwork. Or, if you’ve already obtained a temporary UBI in the past, you can just do it online here.
What is swag?
The reason dozens of shoppers line up at our doors for hours before we open is clear: We are known for our great swag bags!
“What are swag bags?” you may ask. Well, all vendors are required to submit no less than $40 worth of merchandise that will be included in these goodie bags, which are given to the first 100 fans through the doors each day. (Please note: this applies to the fall Gobble Up shows only, NOT Gobble Up SLU.) It’s a great way to attract new fans, it creates a huge buzz, and it’s a great promotional tool. We try to allocate each bag with a variety of products, to make it exciting for our fans while also helping you to promote yourselves. If you choose not to contribute swag, you may instead pay the $50 fee. We use this fee to purchase additional goodies to add to the swag bags so that they are still chock full of fun stuff for our most dedicated fans.
a few more tidbits you should know:
How do I become a sponsor of Gobble Up?
Being a sponsor gets you in front of a large and growing community of crafters, makers, chefs, restaurants, and their fans. We have sponsorship options from small to large for any type of business. Please send an email to kristen@urbancraftuprising.com to get the details.
I missed out on paying my application fee when I applied, and now I don't know how to get back to that page. How can I pay you?
If you have underpaid your application fee, you’ll be receiving an email from us letting you know, with a link to pay.
I've read this whole FAQ, but my question isn't here. What should I do?
Double check the FAQ, and if you still can’t find your answer, go ahead and email info@urbancraftuprising.com and ask away!