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Gobble Up SLU

First Things First

Show Date: Saturday, June 29th

Show Times: 10am-5pm

Be sure to share the Facebook Event widely with your business and personal networks on all your social media channels! We’ll be boosting the Facebook event as the show gets closer, but the more people we have ‘interested’ and ‘going’ before that happens, the bigger the crowds! Also, be sure to follow us on Instagram, comment on our posts, and tag us throughout the season as the show approaches!

VENDING details

  • This is a raw 10′ x 10′ space
  • Tent weights (30 lbs. minimum per leg) are required for ALL outdoor shows
  • This show is outdoors
  • Load-In: 7am-9am
  • Load-Out: 5pm-7pm
  • No electricity is provided.


Depending on the nature of your product, you may need a temporary food service permit. Find out more about this here. However, your business may qualify for an exemption, depending on your product. Call our area representative at 206.263.9566 (that is the main Seattle switchboard; ask for Rose Byrne, who is our inspector) and see if your business may qualify for an exemption. Please note that we are no longer able to offer a blanket permit for this show.

social media

Here are some images that you can use on your own social media to help promote the show. Don’t forget to link to!

Instagram Post
Instagram Post
Facebook Cover
Facebook Cover


Print out this PDF and put it up in your shop window, at your farmers’ markets, or in your favorite local coffee shop!

Gobble Up SLU Poster


Keep an eye out for all the places we’ll be advertising Gobble Up around town!


Load-in will be from 7:00-9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. By 9:00 a.m. we would like to have everyone loaded in, which gives you all at least a full hour to put the finishing touches on your booths before “doors open” at 10:00 a.m. You can now find the booth map, booth assignments, and load-in schedule in your Vendor Portal. As noted before, you will be briefly parking in the SDOT lot to unload your things, hand carting/walking them to your booth space, and then reparking your car before you begin setting up your booth.Please adhere to the load-in time that you see posted next to your booth assignment, to ensure that this process runs smoothly for all of us.

  1. Briefly park your car in the SDOT Parking Lot, noted as “LOADING ZONE” on the Vendor Load-In Map. A UCU staff member will present you with a 20-minute loading pass to put in your dashboard.
  2. Come right to the Info Booth (noted as “Check-In Booth” on the Vendor Load-In Map) to check in. We’ll hand off your vendor materials to you, and help you get situated and find your spot.
  3. Quickly unload ALL of your gear in your designated booth space. You will not be able to pull up directly to your booth, so be sure to bring a hand cart or dolly, especially if you have heavy merchandise. We will have limited carts available. We’ll have volunteers available for some assistance but please be as prepared as possible!
  4. Before you begin setting up, you’ll go re-park your car, then return to set up your booth. This part is crucial so that we don’t end up with bottlenecks in the loading zone. We will have a parking attendant there to ensure that nobody is in the loading zone longer than it takes to quickly unload your car.